Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blog 1

hi my name is chris benitez and i took this class because other cultures besides my own are of an interest to me.  i would one day like to travel internationally to other places besides mexico.i have been to the tourist areas and the more humbling parts of mexico. i am not sure what sort of career i want in the future. i can speak a decent amount of spanish. i dont know if i want to help people through social services.i have visited a few religious services other than my own


  1. Hello, Chris. I hope you do get to travel the world some day. Mexico is one of my favorite countries and in Mexico, Oaxaca is the state I love the most. I've been there many times over the past 22 years. I've spent time in communities that tourists rarely or never visit, those you might refer to as humble or humbling. In each of those places, the people welcomed me and generously allowed me to experience their daily lives. They took the time to share their memories, hopes, and beliefs with me. I wish I could speak Spanish well.

  2. Hi Chris,
    I have also have a deep interest in other cultures and/or countries. I too have been to Mexico as well as wonderful places around Europe and in Asia. How great is it that you speak Spanish and you will be able to use this langauge if you travel to places like South America. I am excited to read what your posts about the religious services to visited.

  3. I think the more you experience and learn, the better you will know what you want to do. Its cool that you have been to Mexico. I have never been. I still do not know what I want to do either so I am just taking classes to see if I have a big interest in them. So far this class has been one of them.
